So the following post is a collection of some of the highlights from the commercial architectural retouching that I have been working on for AJ Brown Imaging. All imagery shown below is by AJ Brown Imaging.
I have been working with AJ for the last few months and it has been great fun collaborating with him and handling the retouching for him. The sheer range of commercial architecture that he photographs is awesome and this gentleman gets through some shoots, I can tell you. One week it might be a new school or hotel, the next it’s for a multinational tech company - safe to say the work is varied, great fun to work on and always keeps me on my toes.
I always make a point of asking any new clients how they found us, whether they stumbled across the website on social, google, word of mouth or if they found us through one of the other long-forgotten marketing channels that I set up an age ago. Well turns out the endless hours spent tailoring the website’s SEO through extensive keyword research has paid dividends - it was an organic google search from halfway across the world that connected us. Who would have thought it? Like many people in the creative industry you have to wear a lot of hats and SEO for the website was one hat that I dreaded putting on. That said I steeled myself for the task and spent countless hours chewing the ear off friends with a far greater knowledge of the subject than me. It’s awesome to see that hard work bare fruit and even better when it comes in the form of an epic architectural photographer like AJ.
To give you a bit of background on AJ he owns and operates a commercial architectural photography studio in the American midwest and has been featured in countless magazines from Architectural Digest to Dwell. Fifteen plus years of experience and a client list and portfolio that would be the envy of any photographer, this guy is certainly at the top of his game. Head over and check out his website, just quality compositions for days.
Retouching for architectural and interiors photographers is a big service for us here at Two Bears Studio and is something that we take a huge amount of pride in. As I have touched on before so many retouchers say ‘oh yeah, I can do interiors/architectural retouching’ and I am sure the results will be adequate. A quick check of their website and you will see that their services cover not only architecture and interiors but beauty, fashion, product photography and many more areas. It's this lack of specialisation that ultimately separates what we do from them, much in the same way our clients have specialised into a very specific area of photography - we only retouch for architectural and interiors photographers. You can check out some of the before and after shots over on our retouching page and dive deeper into our workflow should you wish to explore further. Anyway enough waffling on, check out the incredible photography below by AJ Brown Imaging. Shall drop another update on these at some point later in the year.