Two Bears Studio offers an architectural and interiors retouching service for photographers from around the world.
Unlike many retouching services that cover a huge multitude of very different and varied photographic disciplines, we only specialize in architectural & interiors photography retouching - that's it, that's our lot. With our background in architecture and interiors photography we understand the process and the workflow involved in capturing imagery for your clients. Our thought process is already aligned and in tune with how this post-production photoshop jigsaw should fit together. It’s this combination of knowledge from behind the camera and from being in front of the desktop that elevates our architectural photography retouching service above the rest. We understand the capturing of various layers, the flagging of windows, the turn of a circular polarizer, the balance between flash and ambient and how all of these elements should come together to complement each other in photoshop and the final image.
We are submerged in architectural and interior design photography day in and day out and this is what separates our retouching service from the others - we live and breathe this one photographic discipline. We know from our own experience that the time involved in post-production can often far outweigh the time taken on the actual shoot. One of the most time-consuming parts of our process is the extensive colour correction each image goes through - the creation of complex targeted masks to correct, remove and control colour contamination is by no means a fast process. That said the juice is worth the squeeze, by isolating colours and removing that contamination it takes the image to the next level, colours stand out from each other and through that added contrast the image 'pops' that bit more.
With all of the images we work on we use a non destructive workflow allowing us full flexibility in the architectural and interiors photography post production process. Having that flexibility is paramount to being able to adapt and make changes to the image whilst maintaining a fluid workflow.
Our non-destructive architectural retouching workflow follows a fairly similar route with each image. From the files sent by the photographer we speak with them and we pinpoint what elements from each shot are important. Pulling all of the layers into photoshop we begin the process of compositing all the best parts from those photos into the perfect image. Once we are happy with the composite we take the image through our extensive colour correction process. Detailed and exhaustive masking is used to isolate objects and make sure that the colours showcased in the image are true to their real life colour. Once we have finished colour correction it’s all polishing the image, removing offending items that distract from the image, enhancing details that compliment, painting with light and shadow and generally refining the shot to get it to look its very best. Once that is done we do one final pass in camera raw and we deliver the final picture.
We know that every architectural and interiors photographer is different and each style of shooting requires a post production workflow tailored to that approach. With each new photographer we take the time to unpick how they shoot and understand how they want their images to look. With everything we do its about keeping dialogue open throughout the creative process and by doing this we are able to achieve the desired final result.
Located in the East Midlands in the United Kingdom Two Bears Studio offers an architectural and interiors retouching service for photographers from around the world - you can see some of our latest retouching work over on our blog. If you have a project in mind and would like to discuss pricing please feel free to get in touch via the contact form.
With each new architecture and interiors photographer we take the time to unpick how they shoot and understand how they want their images to look
Perfectly blending the best parts of each image to create beautifully crafted composites.
Before & After Gallery
The before and after gallery below offers insight into the architectural photography retouching workflow that we employ and the transformation that the imagery undertakes during that post-production process. Having that side by side of the raw straight out of a camera image next to the finished article is a powerful visual tool and offers up a visual explanation of the post-production journey we take with each image.