I shall keep it fairly short and sweet with this post about the interior design photography we did for Cream & Black as I have a tendency to ramble on in my endless quest to hit some theorized word count that someone somewhere has mentioned is the golden number to get you noticed by Google.
So this interiors shoot required one very early start to make the journey down to Birmingham to shoot the latest project they had been working on. This amazing Victorian home had been totally remodeled whilst carefully restoring and maintaining some of the many original features that bring so much character to this family home
There was a hell of a lot of ground to cover for this interior design shoot so I think the flashes were helpfully set up and then carefully popped in the corner never to be used. This one was all natural light, we had the huge kitchen dining living area, living room, kids play room, family bath, master bed, master bath, kids rooms and a walk-in wardrobe to photograph - zero chance that I could fit all of that in messing about with flash so time to bag what you can in camera. Safe to say I slept pretty dam well that night.
One other thing to note is I really enjoyed playing with dropping in a model to give that added lifestyle element for a few of the kitchen shots on this shoot. It’s something that I will play with a lot more I think as I feel it really helps bring another dynamic to the photograph and when done well and not overused is a really great string to the interiors photography bow. Anyway hope you enjoy the results from that shoot.
If you have and interior design project that needs photographing please feel free to drop us a message or feel free to have a good old explore of the site to see some of our other work. Right I guess I had better go and get this Birmingham clean air charge paid up - when the hell did that happen?