I have done a bunch of shoots for Hill Farm Furniture over the course of the year so this post will act as a bit of a highlights show of all the interiors and kitchen photography we have done for them. To give a bit of background on Hill Farm Furniture they are a family-run business based close to Newark and have been creating beautiful custom kitchens and furniture for 30 years in and around the Midlands.
If I remember correctly I originally messaged Hill Farm way back when Two Bears Studio was literally months old and I was on the cold calling push to get the name out there and try and create some relationships with local businesses. Instagram was one of the ways that I was trying to reach out to potential clients - the thought process being that people's email inboxes are usually overflowing so the chances of anyone opening a cold email from me is slim at best. Then if they did happen to open the email getting them to click on a weblink when everyone is so worried about scam emails etc was further narrowing my ability to get eyes from potential new clients on my portfolio. So with that in mind, I thought Instagram could be a useful tool to find and contact people, and then it also provides a super easy way for them to view my work and verify the quality of that work. To be fair it has been a really useful tool and has been the reason for a number of clients reaching out to me.
Anyway to get back to Hill Farm, like so many of those businesses I messaged there was a positive response but the timing wasnt right. Fast forward a year and I got a message out of the blue from Jo and within hours the first, second and third shoot had been lined up - goes to show that you never know with these things. Leads which you have long since written off have a habit of coming back around.
So the following shots as mentioned are a few of the highlights from a bunch of kitchen photography shoots with Hill Farm along with some photographs of some of the stunning boot rooms they have also been creating. These shoots have taken us across a fair old portion of the midlands and across some very beautiful properties. Hill Farm are heavily influenced by the Victorian and Georgian eras of country kitchens and it's a style that I personally and a huge fan of. Anyway hope you enjoy the imagery and I will hopefully be dropping another load of images from Hill Farm Furniture in the future at some point.