Very pleased to showcase an array of the architectural and interior design retouching we have done for Uneek over the last few months. To give you a bit of background on Uneek, they are a company based out of Orlando, Florida and they specialize in Architectural and Interiors marketing. They travel pretty much all over the US for their clients and because of that, they have a wonderful diversity to their work. They also bash out some pretty incredible work for the big super yachts that you find floating around that gorgeous coastline.
There is a personal connection to Uneek which is what makes these guys extra special to me and I shall take the time to quickly expand on it before getting into the interiors retouching. Uneek was the company that I joined when I moved out to the States. It was under the tutelage of those guys that I learned the ropes and grew into the photographer and creative I am today. Having that ability to ask endless bloody questions about the nuances of architectural photography and the reasoning behind doing XY and Z while on site was an invaluable tool, and one which I will be eternally grateful for. Fantastic bunch to work with, so many good memories and I would say quite frankly I wouldn't be where I am today without them.
Anyway pack away the violin and get back to what this post is actually about - architectural and interiors retouching. Obviously being familiar with how a photographer shoots is a huge bonus. You understand their workflow, you can pre-empt their thought process and understand how they envisage this jigsaw of images coming together. It can take a bit of time to build this relationship and familiarity and I understand that this can be a big stumbling block for many architectural and interiors photographers because all of us are such perfectionists. You don't want to let go of the retouching yourself because you want to maintain the very high standards you set yourself, yet you are too busy to shoot and edit everything whilst maintaining a reasonable work/life balance. Being able to let go and trust another creative to work on your photographs is a daunting thing. For that reason I always suggest to new clients that we use a few sample images as a case study to ensure that we are on the same page and a good fit. That way if we are not singing off the same hymn sheet no one has lost anything but if we are then happy days and we can start belting out some decent tunes together.
If you have an interest in outsourcing the retouching for your architectural or interior design photography or have any questions regarding pricing and turnaround etc get in contact with us. You can also find out some more information on the process on our services page where there are a few before and afters as well.